Monday, March 29, 2010


After a lot of researching, surveying, and analyzing I have to come to the conclusion that Disney is racist. However I feel that it isn't as apparent and as strong as I felt it was. In the survey that I gave my class I realized that majority of people though that Disney portrayed it's non-white male characters fairly and that Disney is only mildly racist. One question I thought really proved Disney was racist was Who do you think is more racist? with answer choices Dreamworks, Disney, and Pixar. Disney got 66.6% of the votes, Dreamworks had 33.3%, and Pixar got no votes. After I got these results I decided to do a little research on Dreamworks. I found out that Dreamworks was a side company of Disney's. This surprised me a lot.
Before this blog ever even came into existence I strongly felt that Disney was racist. But now I feel like I may have been over analyzing and being too critical of the movies rather then just sitting down and enjoying them. So Disney is lacking diversity and at times can be racist but I think Disney is aware of this and is looking for a solution. Good luck Disney! Meanwhile I will just try to enjoy your movies for what they are.

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